The Miracle of the Sun
is a phenomenon that compels atheists and those who are closed to
Marian theology to cover their eyes, as to avoid the indubitable
evidence clearly before them. Contrived
Atheists explained that it was a mass hallucination, a UFO from
outer space, swamp gas, etc. Responses to this Miracle
separate true atheists from those who simply are at odds with God
and Religion. Considering that atheist's tend to describe
themselves as weighing the evidence of God and concluded that there
is no credible substantiation of a Supreme Creator. A
Veritable Atheist would likely analyze and ask questions in a
rational way. The discussion would tend to be a dialog, not a
debate. Contrived
atheists will immediately dismiss any credible evidence with one
line witted sarcasms. In one forum debate scenario an atheist
responded; "I couldn't find any observatory records of anything
unusual occurring with the sun that day" (8 minutes from being
asked). What observatories were operating in 1917? In that hemisphere?
Another atheist asserted; "What about the billions of people that
didn't see it?" The three children said the Miracle would
take place at high noon at the Cova. The hundred thousand that
went to the Cova witnessed it. The billions that didn't see it
were asleep on the other side of the Earth.
A common response by
atheists regarding this Miracle, is "Why the sun?". The
descriptions most portrayed are pretty rainbow colors and the sun
dancing in the sky. However, the actual witnesses' accounts
describe something very different, a frightful event of the fire
from the sun falling to the Earth (1). They felt the intense heat,
people ran for cover while parents threw themselves over their
children. Some reported having nightmares for years, running
from the fire. This is why the Catholic Church originally had
such difficulty declaring the Miracle "worthy of belief", which it
eventually did 13 years later. The following descriptions of
the Miracle are from the audio by John Haffert:
One witness was about 18
kilometers away (approximately 11 miles) in the town of Alburitel.
People were streaming along the road through the town, on their way
to Fatima. The people in his town thought it was foolish to believe
the three children who were predicting that there was going to be a
Miracle that day. He described a man standing along the side of the
road laughing, ridiculing and scoffing at the drove of people
passing through the town; "Foolish people! For three children, you
are coming from where? Walking in this soaking rain!" It was a
terrible rainstorm, a drenching downpour that was causing flooding.
He said; "The sun began to move in the sky. Everyone noticed the
change in the atmosphere. There were colors, and the sun began to
move in the sky. People were so frightened that they all began to
run to the Church. And then suddenly, the sun seemed to plunge down
upon them" (7 minutes 30 seconds in).
Haffert interviewed a
Portuguese woman (who was 22 years old at the time of the Miracle)
in a church. They were next to a stained glass window depicting the
Miracle of the Sun, a picture of a whirling sun with the colors
streaming down. She pointed to the window and said; "It wasn’t like
that! The sun came down upon us, we were all about to be burned
alive!" Everyone within and area of 32 miles thought it was the end
of the world (10 minutes in).
Another witness was about 18
kilometers away (about 11 miles) in the opposite direction. He was
12 years old at the time and was herding sheep. He said; "I don’t
remember to this day what happened to the sheep. All I can remember
is that this fireball came down upon the Earth and I knew I was
about to be burned alive. And I ran, and I ran, and I ran. All I can
remember is my fear. I often woke up at night, running. Running from
the fire. We thought it was the end of the world. The fire of the
sun was on top of us" (10 minutes 50 seconds in).
The very man who was
scoffing at the people in the town of Alburitel fell to his knees
confessing his sins and crying for mercy (11 minutes and 51 seconds
One of the witnesses was up to his
calves in water. Haffert asked him why he didn’t find dry ground and
he replied: "It was the only place I could find where I could see
the children". After the Miracle, the ground and his clothes were
completely dry (13 minutes 55 seconds).
Haffert makes a very compelling argument that the Miracle was a
vision of the Great Chastisement.
Through a message given on October
13th (the anniversary day of the
Miracle of the Sun and
coinciding with the year of the Roe vs. Wade decision that became
responsible for the deaths of over 55 million innocent unborn babies
in the US alone), by Our most Holy Mother to Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa
in Akita, Japan (declared
worthy of belief by Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Emeritus, as well
as the Local Bishop Ito due to several supporting Miracles) we are
told: "If
men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a
terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater
than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before.
Fire will fall from the sky and will
wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad,
sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find
themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms
which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My
Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary,
pray for the Pope, the Bishops and the Priests. The work of
the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that
one will see Cardinals opposing Cardinals, Bishops against other
Bishops. The priests who venerate Me will be scorned and opposed by
their confreres (other priests). Churches and altars will be sacked.
The Church will be full of those who accept compromises, and the
demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the
service of the Lord. The demon will be especially implacable
against the souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so
many souls is the cause of My sadness. If sins increase in number
and gravity, there will no longer be pardon for them. Pray
very much the prayers of the Rosary. I alone am able to still save
you from the calamities which approach. Those who place their
confidence in Me will be saved." (2,
4). A
former Philippine ambassador to the Vatican, Howard Dee, said in a
1998 interview with Inside the Vatican magazine, "Bishop Ito was
certain Akita was an extension of Fatima, and Cardinal Ratzinger
(now Pope Benedict) personally confirmed to me that these two
messages, (The third Secret of Fatima & the Akita message), are essentially the same (5,
These prophesies of fire from the sky are Biblically
reinforced; "For behold, the Lord
will come in fire, and His chariots like the whirlwind, To render His
anger with fury, And His rebuke with flames of fire. For the Lord
will execute judgment by fire And by His sword on all flesh, And
those slain by the Lord will be many" (Isaiah 66:15). "Neither
their silver nor their gold Will be able to deliver them On the day
of the Lord’s wrath; And all the Earth will be devoured in fire" (Zepheniah
1 - 2).
There are two books that help explain the reasoning for the Great
Chastisement; "Akita: The Tears and the Message of Mary" by Father Teiji Yasuda (1989) and "The Meaning of Akita" by John
Haffert (1989) ISBN 9781890137052. Through interviews with
Sister Agnes, one of the primary reasons for the Great Chastisement
is the "murdering of babies in their mother's wombs". This
multitude of murdered innocents are constantly appealing to God for
justice. God hears their cries of grief for being prevented
from living out their natural lives on Earth. God communicated
that these abortions are painful to the unborn. Sister Agnes
experienced these pains, and those near her said it was
heartbreaking. We learned through her, that the unborn babies are
aware they are being destroyed, and greatly desire to live. Jesus
told the Jews: "Do not think that I will condemn you before the
Father. The one who will accuse you is Moses." John 5:45. Through
Private Revelations, we learn that the propagators of the
unholy silent massacre will be accused before Our Holy Father, "by a
sea of multitudes of slaughtered innocents". And we know this
number must be in the billions.
Seeking information concerning phenomenon that could explain "the
fire from the sun detaching itself and falling upon the Earth"
(considered to be the future Great Chastisement), we
came across an IMAX documentary on the sun entitled "Solar Max".
Approximately 22 minutes and 23 seconds into the film there
is a possible explanation. "Recently scientists have found
that suns like ours normally produce a superflare, about once every
century". This is a short burst of
energy that sometimes occurs during a magnetic pole shift, in which
a star's corona can temporarily flare out (7).
If our sun behaved similarly, the superflare could momentarily
engulf some the inner planets, "We are fortunate that our sun
appears to be more stable than most other suns".
One important clue is that the Miracle of the Sun lasted for
approximately ten minutes, the time it takes photons of light from
the sun to reach the Earth, a possible indicator that the Great
Chastisement may be a phenomena generated from a catastrophic solar
eruption. Another clue is that "stars like
our sun normally emit these superflares". Contrarily, so
far, our sun has not. Has God been
protecting our Earth from such occurrences for millions of years?
This prophesy by Zepheniah of the Earth being devoured by fire may
not be initiated by God, but God standing aside and allowing nature
to take its normal coarse. "Fire will fall from the sky
and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the
bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful". Why the good as well as
the bad? Why sparing neither priests nor faithful? Whose
fault would it be? The good who do nothing.
Incorruptible Jacinta Marto (born 1910 - died
1920) exhumation and reburial photos
Jacinta Marto at age 7 was one of the three original
visionaries at Fatima, Portugal in 1917. She was born in 1910
and died in 1920. In both 1935 and 1951 her body was exhumed
and in each instance, her body was found to be incorrupt. The
Basilica of Our Lady of Fatima was built on the site where the
three children first saw "a lady brighter than the sun" and
Jacinta's tomb has remained there since 1951. |